21 Day Workout · All posts · Fitness

21 Day Workout Schedule

So, how would you feel about a little at-home 21 Day Workout Schedule?

After all, it is the 21st…



Oh, you’d like that now would you?

How about for free?

Oh, even better?


For the next 21 days I will be posting a new daily workout to the blog under the Fitness page on the menu bar. Of course, if you tune in regularly you can see it anyway under “New Posts”, but if you want to find them all (like, maybe you are reading this post months later), just click “21 Day Workout” under the fitness menu to see them all.


Of course, I have to throw in the disclaimer that I AM NOT, I repeat NOT a certified trainer, or even an non-certified trainer (remember, I am a mental health clinician!). You are exercising at your own risk. These are simply some of the workouts that I do and I enjoy and I want to share them with you. I always warm up before my workouts with a light run or some other cardio and I always try to finish with stretching. STAY HYDRATED and rest if needed. Consult your doctor before starting any exercise program–especially if it has been a while or if you have other medical concerns!


Wanna make this even better? Don’t forget to take those before and after photos– even if they are just for you, they are great motivators!

Thank you for stopping by That House on the Corner! I love hearing from you so leave some love below! Take care, Caitlin